Transparency Portal - Ereza

Transparency Portal

Transparency portal

Grupo Ereza

Our website belongs to the EREZA GROUP, which is dedicated to the management and commercialization of tourist accommodations in the Canary Islands, encompassing its establishments under the EREZA HOTELS & RESORTS brand.

Within the companies that make up the EREZA brand are those listed below, for which access is individually provided for transparency information to citizens and entities:

  • Unión Ereza, S.L.
  • Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L.

Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L.

General Information

General information about the entity: institutional, historical, economic.

Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha was established as a Limited Liability Company on 22/11/2000, registering in the commercial registry of Arrecife de Lanzarote in Volume 206; Folio 172; Section 8; Sheet IL-5277; Registration 1st.

The share capital is divided equally between two partners, both of whom are “working partners” and “joint administrators” of the entity.

Since its creation, the economic activity of Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L., has always been linked to the management and/or exploitation of tourist accommodations in the Canary Islands, mainly villas and apartments, using the marketing platform offered by the brand EREZA HOTELS & RESORTS of which it is an integral part.

The definitive growth milestone came in 2012 when the operation of “Ereza Los Hibiscos” began, a complex of 141 apartments located practically on Avenida de Las Playas in the heart of Puerto del Carmen on the island of Lanzarote.

Organic structure

Information related to the functions and competences, the social purpose or the foundational purpose of the entity:

The social purpose stated in the deed of incorporation of Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L., is quite broad and always aimed at all kinds of activities related to real estate: buying and selling, management, operation, leasing and subleasing, provision of services related to the internet network, e-commerce, electronic transactions, etc.

Currently, the main activity is carried out as the operator of “Apartamentos Los Hibiscos”, a complex of 141 apartments located in Puerto del Carmen (Lanzarote).

The code of said activity classified in the CNAE is 5520: “Tourist accommodation and other short-stay accommodation”.

Occasionally, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. also carries out some real estate and/or land transactions.

The company’s goal is to continue growing sustainably and responsibly within the tourism and real estate sector.





Budgetary and accounting information
Annual accounts:

We attach Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, and Annual Accounts for 2021.

Financial Situation Balance Sheet 31.12.2021 (ASSETS) – Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (PDF)

Financial Situation Balance Sheet 31.12.2021 (LIABILITIES) – Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (PDF)

Financial Situation Profit and Loss 31.12.2021 – Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (PDF)

Financial Situation 2021 Balance Sheet 31.12.2021 Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (EXCEL)


Budgetary and accounting information
Audit reports:

Until the year 2020 and previous years, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. was not required to submit an audit report since according to the criteria that determine when a company is required to audit, are regulated in the Companies Act, specifically in article 257 of Royal Decree Law 1/2010 of July 02.

Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L., did not exceed the limits of net amount of turnover, nor the average number of employees.

The entity has audited its accounts for the year 2021, because it has received public subsidies that require it according to the Audit of Accounts Law 22/2015 of July 20 and Royal Decree 2/2021, of January 12, approving the Regulation of said Law.

Audit Report Annual Accounts 2021 Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (PDF)


Contracts formalized with Public Entities

Name and object; duration, tender amount and award amount, procedure used, instruments through which, if applicable, it has been advertised; number of bidders participating in the procedure, and identity of the individuals or entities to whom the contract is awarded.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Statistical data on the percentage in budget volume of contracts awarded through each of the procedures provided for in public sector contract legislation.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Modifications to formalized contracts.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

List of resolved contracts

Decisions of withdrawal and resignation from contracts.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Quarterly information on minor contracts.

List of minor contracts: name and object; duration, tender amount and award amount, procedure used, instruments through which, if applicable, it has been advertised; number of bidders participating in the procedure, and identity of the individuals or entities to whom the contract is awarded.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Agreements and management assignments

Agreements with public entities

Signing parties and title of the agreement; purpose, with indication of the actions or activities committed; term and conditions of validity; bodies or units responsible for the execution and financial obligations/financing, with indication of the amounts corresponding to each of the signing parties.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez and Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any agreement or management assignment with any Public Entity.

Modifications made during validity: purpose and date.
In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez and Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any agreement or management assignment with any Public Entity.

Aids and subsidies

List of aids and subsidies granted

The subsidies granted during 2021 are detailed in the following file. (see) (PDF)

Subsidies 2021 Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. (EXCEL)

Unión Ereza, S.L.

General Information

General information about the entity: institutional, historical, economic.

The company Unión Ereza, S.L. was established on November 14, 2012 in Arrecife, by means of a deed granted before the Notary Celestino Mendizábal, with protocol number 2,049.

Its registered office is located in Caleta de Fuste, Antigua, on the island of Fuerteventura, with Tax Identification Code B76140516, registered on December 11, 2012 in the Commercial Registry of Fuerteventura at Volume 157, Page 159, Sheet IF-7034, Entry 1.

Its corporate purpose is “Hotel Management”, carrying out its main activity in Hospitality services.

The company conducts its tourist activity on the island of Fuerteventura, offering hotel and non-hotel accommodation services:

  1. The hotel service is provided through the four-star Hotel EREZA MAR, located in Caleta de Fuste, with 160 rooms.
  2. The non-hotel service is carried out through the operation of Tourist Villas located in Caleta de Fuste and Corralejo.

The company pays taxes at the national level, including Corporate Income Tax and Personal Income Tax, and is subject to the General Social Security Regime. At the regional level, it pays the Canary Islands General Indirect Tax (IGIC), as well as other legal taxes in force. It is subject to national labor legislation and complies with the Canary Islands tourism regulations, holding all necessary legal, municipal, and regional permits for its activities (Opening and Tourism Operation Licenses).

The Social Capital is held by two partners at 50%:

  1. Comemax 2000, s.l.
  2. Explotaciones Morales y Torres, s.l.

Organic Structure

Regulations applicable to the entity.

  1. Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, approving the consolidated text of the Capital Companies Law.
  2. Law 1/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to information and good governance.
  3. Law 12/2014, of December 26, on transparency and access to public information.
  4. Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
  5. Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Hospitality sector of the Province of Las Palmas 2016-2019.

Information regarding the functions and competences, the corporate purpose or the foundational end of the entity:

The corporate purpose set forth in the Articles of Incorporation of Unión Ereza, S.L., includes two types of activities:

  1. Tourism, hospitality, and catering.
  2. Real estate activities.

Currently, the main activity is carried out as the operator of the Ereza Mar Hotel, with a 4-star category, located in Caleta de Fuste, on the island of Fuerteventura.

The code for this classified activity in the CNAE is 5510: “Hotels and similar accommodation”.

Occasionally, Unión Ereza, S.L. also engages in some real estate and/or land buying and selling activities.

The company’s goal is to continue growing sustainably and responsibly within the tourism and real estate sectors.

Organizational Chart

The company is governed and administered by three Joint Administrators who make up the “Company Management”:

  1. Mr. Francisco Ufano Polo.
  2. Mr. Juan Francisco Torres Bravo.
  3. Mr. Marcial Morales Cabrera.

The Administrators hold the representation of the company and all the faculties inherent to their position.

Directly under the Company Management, there are three distinct departments:

  1. Administration, Accounting, Fiscal and Labor Department:Manages, organizes, and processes all the legal information and documentation of the company.
  2. Operations Department:
    Directs and manages all the company’s tourist establishments
  3. Commercial Department:
    Directs and manages the Sales and Advertising departments of the company.

Transparency Portal - Ereza


Budget and accounting information
Annual accounts:

The annual accounts for 2021 are not yet finalised, as they are being audited.
Instead, a Provisional Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account are attached.
Once audited and submitted, they will be uploaded to the transparency portal.

Uni-n-Ereza Annual Accounts 2020 (PDF)

Provisional Balances 2020 (PDF)

Audit reports:

Until the year 2020 and earlier, Unión Ereza, S.L. was not required to present an audit report as according to the criteria determining when a company incurs the obligation to audit, which are regulated in the Capital Companies Law, specifically in article 257 of RDL 1/2010 of July 2nd.
Unión Ereza, S.L., did not exceed the limits of the net amount of turnover, nor the average number of workers.
Currently, the entity is auditing its accounts for the 2021 fiscal year, as it has received public subsidies that require it according to Law 22/2015 of July 20th on Audit of Accounts and Royal Decree 2/2021, of January 12th, approving the Regulation of said Law.


Contracts formalized with Public Entities

(There are no contracts with public entities).

List of contracts resolved with Public Entities

(There are no contracts with public entities).

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Statistical data on the percentage of budget volume of contracts awarded through each of the procedures provided for in public sector procurement legislation.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Modifications of formalized contracts.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

List of resolved contracts

Decisions of withdrawal and renunciation of contracts.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Quarterly information of minor contracts.

List of minor contracts: denomination and object; duration, tender amount and award amount, procedure used, instruments through which, if applicable, it has been publicized; number of bidders participating in the procedure, and identity of the persons or entities to whom the contract is awarded.

In 2021, Explotaciones Pérez y Arrocha, S.L. did not sign any contract with any Public Entity.

Agreements and management assignments

Agreements with public entities

(There are no agreements with public entities).

Ayudas y subvenciones

Relación de ayudas y subvenciones concedidas

Las subvenciones concedidas durante 2021 se detallan en el siguiente archivo. (view) (PDF)

Informe Proc Acordado Covid Union Ereza (PDF)

Canary Islands Transparency Law

The Canary Islands Law 12/2014 of December 26 on Transparency and Access to Public Information, in its chapter II “Information on the organization and activities of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands,” in its second section dedicated to information subject to publication, details in articles 17 to 33 the information subject to publication.

The Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information in the Canary Islands is a body created by the Transparency Law of the Canary Islands dedicated to the promotion, analysis, and protection of transparency and the right to access public information in the Canary Islands. In carrying out the functions assigned to it by law, it must act with autonomy and full independence.